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Local History

The following pages are events and descriptions of the areas where the Descendants of David Fritz lived.

If you have any historical information to add, please submit it to:  angelina(AT)

Local History 1     Holidays; Pow-wowing, Cures, Superstitions, and Witches; Life in the Good Old Days; Zerbey History newspaper(Pottsville Republican) excerpts on Schuylkill County, PA

Local History 2      East Union Township: Sheppton, Phinneyville, Girard Manor; Nuremberg; Green Mountain; Audenried

Local History 3      J. H. Keilman Diary; Delano Township: Delano; Mahanoy Township: Mahanoy City

Local History 4      Rush Township; Barnesville; Weldy Powder Mill Explosion; Lakeside Ballroom; Lakewood Park

Local History 5     Orwigsburg; The Schuylkill County Fair; The Blizzard of 1888

Local History 6     Pigeon Shooting

Local History 7     Girardville Collieries


The Payer Page

Read through the links on this excellent site of local history. It has photos and stories of various areas in Schuylkill and Luzerne counties, the language, and more!