The 58th Fritz Family Reunion
2001The reunion was held at Emmaus Community Park, Emmaus, PA.
Meatballs, chicken fingers, pasta in sauce, kielbasa in sauerkraut, and butter & onion pierogies were just some of the tasty dishes along with snack foods and yummy desserts like Snickerdoodle, chocolate chip, and sugar cookies, raisin crumb pies, rice crispies treats and strudels. Al Fritz brought our paper products and plastic utensils once again.
In the absence of our President, Jack Claypotch , our Vice President, Herbert Curvey lead the meeting while the children played games.
Our Corresponding Secretary, Ruth Throne , read her report of how many invitations were sent out, invitations returned to sender by the post office, and RSVPs collected.
Our Recording Secretary, Catherine Stroup , reported birth, death, and marriage records from our last reunion and asked for those with further updates to write down the information on index cards supplied at the registration table.
Fred Krommes gave the Treasurer's Report in the absence of our new Treasurer, Donna Maser .
Historian, Angelina F. , made announcements about getting updates and recipes sent in hopes of creating a 60th Anniversary Edition Fritz Book and Cookbook while Historian, David Fritz, took up the reunion donations collection.
A vote was held to see where next year's reunion will be held. The count was in favor of having it at Jim Thorpe. (Ruth Throne called after January 1, 2002 to book the Jim Thorpe Memorial Park but it was already booked so we will use the Emmaus Park as a back up.)
Adult games followed the meeting.
Those who participated formed groups of 3 and one had a group of 2. Each group answered a 10 question reunion trivia game on paper. Winners were
Ruth Throne and
David Krommes . They each received a chance for the raffle basket of their choice.
The second game was the 'musical gifts' game. Each time the music stopped, players with a gift in their hands unwrapped a layer of the multi-layer wrapped gifts. When the music stopped and a player unwrapped the last layer to get down to the gift, he/she could keep the gift.
After the games, we held the raffle for the 3 baskets that were up for grabs:
Evelyn Andrews won the Kitchen basket: A nonstick grill, a cookie jar, and a large basin full of groceries.
Joseph Mathis won the Toy basket: Stuffed animals and McDonald's toys.
David Krommes won the Relaxation bag: Candles, candle dish, potpourri, bath salts, Bath & Body body wash & lotions, a box of chocolates, a bag of imported French candies, a mini loofah sponge, etc.
The winner of the M&M guessing game was Kevin Fritz .
Next was the Fritzability Talent Show and the following participated:
David Krommes - story & jokes, Shannon Corn - singing, and Kevin Fritz - magic tricks.
Awards were presented for the folllowing categories:
Oldest Male - Lester Fritz
Oldest Female - Elsie Fritz
Youngest Male - Augustino D'Ancona
Youngest Female - Titiana Marie Fritz
Longest Married Couple - Lester & Elsie Fritz
Most Recently Married Couple - Juli & Marco D'Ancona
Family who traveled the greatest distance - Patricia Mathis & Ron Adams