The 61st Fritz Family Reunion
Jim Thorpe Memorial Park
July 18th, 2004

It was a rainy day but we had 49 people attend and join in on nice conversation.

Kenneth Alvin F... had attendees sign in at the registration table and don name tags with materials provided by Alfred Albert Fritz.  Kenneth also asked for everyone to update their contact information on his children's mailing/contact list.
Attendees received a program with the day's agenda on the front and a list of reunion officers through the years donated by David and Angelina

The last of the pencils, donated by David and Angelina, were handed out.

Lunch and Socializing:  Rev. Howard F... gave a devotional and a prayer before the meal.  Lemonade (no sugar and regular), Herb's BBQ, hot dogs, rolls, bread, & meat & cheese trays were provided.  Everyone brought a covered dish to share.  Thank you to everyone who brought food.  It was all wonderful!  There were raves about Herb Curvey's BBQ, the ham, Doris Curvey Nelson's meatballs, sausage and peppers, Juli Miller D'Ancona's pierogies, pasta salad, baked beans, macaroni and cheese with sausage links, coleslaw, and yummy desserts - especially Jill Fritz Thompson's family famous Snickerdoodles.

A special thanks to Herb and Evelyn Curvey for working the kitchen and serving up the famed barbecue and hot dogs.

Presentation:  A slide show presentation put together by Angelina, David, and their mom, Linda was shown.  It included photos from the different branches of the Fritz family and some family history information put to music with a family theme.  Thanks to all who donated copies of photos over the years.  Without them, this project would not have turned out the way it did. 

Business Meeting
President Rev. Howard Fritz led the meeting starting with a thank you to Angelina, David, and Linda for the beautiful and work intensive slide show. He then read thoughts of St. Thomas A Kempis' work, "The Unity of Diversity."  He believed that adversities can be good and may cause a person to turn inward and realize that we are dependent on God.

Review of 2003 Minutes - Catherine J. Fritz Stroup (Kitty) stated that 158 people attended the 60th reunion and that the Fritz Family Cookbook with the color family crest on the cover, a memento for all of us, was printed and sold.

Recording Secretary report
- Catherine J. Fritz Stroup reported last year's deaths - Mary Fritz 2/2003 (daughter of Frank & Nellie (Higgins) Fritz), Mark McClenny 4/13/2003, and Donald Dreisbach 4/20/2003, births, and marriages.  She recorded this past year's deaths - William Throne 6/14/2004, Craig Michael McClenny 9/30/2003, Joseph E. Butkus 4/2/2004, births - Travis Hamilton 9/6/2003, Morgan Nicole Nelson 11/2003, and James George Anderson 2/16/2004.

Corresponding Secretary report -
Ruth Krommes Throne reported that David and Angelina sent out the 2004 reunion notices again this year.  They met with Ruth and reviewed the contact list before the mailing.  Ruth was the contact again for RSVPs.

Ruth received RSVPs for 17 people to attend along with a donation of $10 from a generous relative.  David and Angelina reported that 3 postcard notices came back as undeliverable.

Treasurer report
- in Donna Claypotch Maser's absence Ruth Krommes Throne reported that we had approximately $468 in our checking account. 

Donna had asked Angelina to prepare a report on funds owed to her for fronting the money for some reunion items, the Fritz site's domain name and hosting services, last year and this year's mailings, and the printing of the 300 Fritz Family Cookbooks. 

This information was presented and Angelina informed attendees of how far we stretch their donations and where the money is spent.  She cited such examples as reunion items like prizes, paper products, some foods, and pavilion rental, a photographer when we get one, mailings, and book printing.  A grand thank you to everyone for donations they've given in the past.

Cookbook report - Angelina reported that 140 cookbooks were sold and that 160 remained.  (3 sold during the reunion giving us a total sale of 143 that day)  Angelina donated a raffle basket and gave a free ticket to those who purchased a cookbook that day and charged $2 for anyone else who wanted a ticket. 
The basket went to Alfred Albert Fritz and $20 was made on the basket raffle.
She thanked Fred Krommes, Herb Curvey, Ruth Throne, and Al Fritz for helping to sell some cookbooks. 
Alfred Albert Fritz was an excellent salesperson selling 20 in the past year and taking on 10 more to try to sell.  Thank you Al!  Good job to all of you!

Historian report -
David thanked various people for their contributions of information to the family tree last year.  He thanked Marion Burrell Fritz, Anneta Fritz Morris, Ruth Krommes Throne, Doris Noss Hauze, and Beth Leymeister Dennis for their photo and family tree contributions. 

David announced that the Descendants of David Fritz family history books are sold out.  He mentioned that the original book had about 3900 names in it, the second volume added 400, and in the last five years we've added about 1000 names into the family tree.  We now have 5350 names in the family tree.

David noted that this year is the 5 year anniversary of the web site and that the family tree is available through a link on the site.

We are debating publishing a third volume of the family tree but at this time we are not certain if it will be in the form of a printed book or if it will be on CD.  It has become quite an extensively large tree over the years and we would like photos to be included in the next volume.  Printing would be costly.  There are software copyright issues related to putting the family tree on CD.  In order for anyone to view the tree, the proper software would have to be provided.  Everyone is asked to give thought to these two options and we welcome any information you might have on inexpensive printing places.

David asked for and received a round of applause for Linda who compiled the first and second volumes of the Descendants of David Fritz books.

Election of Officers
President - Angelina
Vice President - Herbert W. Curvey
Recording Secretary - Catherine J. Fritz Stroup
Corresponding Secretary - Ruth Krommes Throne
Treasurer - Donna Jean Claypotch Maser (assumed)
Historian - David
Assistant Historian - Linda
Chaplin - Rev. Howard Wesley Fritz

Prizes Awarded
Oldest Male - Frederick Henry Krommes, 77 years old
Oldest Female - Ruth Krommes Throne, 80 years old
(Interestingly enough the oldest male and female, brother and sister, were some of the youngest in the crew when the reunions began in 1940.)
Youngest Male - Cianan Madigan, 9 years old
Youngest Female - Joanne Taraba, 3 years old
Married Longest - Herbert and Evelyn Curvey, 53 years
(The couple was asked to let us in on the secret to such a long marriage.  Herb credited his wife.)
Newlyweds - Edwin and Elizabeth Taraba, 7 years
Traveled Furthest - May Hildebrand Krommes (Texas), over 1000 miles
M&M Guess - Angelina

2005 Reunion Place - A suggestion was made to hold next year's reunion at Jim Thorpe again and agreements were voiced.  None opposed.

Announcement:  Frederick Henry Krommes brought a book to share with us that was awarded the Best Children's Book Illustrations of the Year, illustrated by Beth Ann Krommes.  The book was 'The Lamp, the Ice, and the Boat Called Fish' -based on a true story, written by Jacqueline Briggs Martin, and pictures by Beth Krommes.  That's Fritz-ability!

Collection:  A hat was passed around and a collection of $308 was taken in.  Thanks to everyone for such a great donation this year from only 49 attendees!

Children's Games:  The presentation was viewed again and the adults socialized while the Children's Games were led by George and Jill (Fritz) Thompson.  Thanks George and Jill for the entertainment!  They gave prizes to each of the children.

Family Tree Updates & Photos Scanning:  David entered update information into the family tree and he and his sister, Angelina, scanned photos of those who brought them.

Supper was enjoyed by all, everyone sang 'God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again' thanks to Rev. Howie Fritz sharing copies of the song, and the reunion packed up around 4:30pm to get out of the damp, rainy weather and start on the journey home.  It was a great day in spite of the weather! 

Gilroy, Betty Blackwood, NJ Charles
Hauze, Doris Blackwood, NJ Charles
McDemus, Donald Mahanoy City, PA Charles
McDemus, Ruth Ann Mahanoy City, PA Charles
Morris, Annetta Lindenwald, NJ Charles
Morris, Devan Lindenwald, NJ Charles
Myers, Ashleigh Wapwallopen, PA Charles
Myers, John, Jr. Wapwallopen, PA Charles
Claypotch, Joan Hazleton, PA David, Jr.
Curvey, Evelyn Tamaqua, PA David, Jr.
Curvey, Herbert Tamaqua, PA David, Jr.
D'Ancona, Juli Lansford, PA David, Jr.
Fritz, Howard Columbia, PA David, Jr.
Fritz, Howard Stroudsburg, PA David, Jr.
Fritz, Leah Stroudsburg, PA David, Jr.
Fritz, Marion Columbia, PA David, Jr.
Fritz, Stephanie Stroudsburg, PA David, Jr.
Fritz, Sydney Stroudsburg, PA David, Jr.
Gerhart, Sage Lansford, PA David, Jr.
Krommes, David Braintree, MA David, Jr.
Krommes, Fred Bethlehem, PA David, Jr.
Krommes, Kathy Bethlehem, PA David, Jr.
Krommes, May Bedford, TX David, Jr.
Madigan, Cianan Hamilton, NJ David, Jr.
Madigan, Elaine Hamilton, NJ David, Jr.
Miller, Donette Tamaqua, PA David, Jr.
Miller, Donovan Tamaqua, PA David, Jr.
Murphy, James V. Hazleton, PA David, Jr.
Murphy, James W. Hazleton, PA David, Jr.
Nelson, Doris Tamaqua, PA David, Jr.
Nelson, Russell C. Tamaqua, PA David, Jr.
Sekula, Carol Netcong, NJ David, Jr.
Sekula, Edward Netcong, NJ David, Jr.
Stroup, Kitty Skillman, NY David, Jr.
Taraba, Catherine Yardley, PA David, Jr.
Taraba, Edwin Yardley, PA David, Jr.
Taraba, Elizabeth Yardley, PA David, Jr.
Taraba, Joanne Yardley, PA David, Jr.
Throne, Ruth Hazleton, PA David, Jr.
F, Angelina Barnesville, PA Henry
Fritz, David Barnesville, PA Henry
Fritz, Kenneth Barnesville, PA Henry
Schock, Linda Tamaqua, PA Henry
Andrews, Evelyn Frackville, PA Jacob
Fritz, Al Mechanicsburg, PA Jacob
Fritz, David A. Allentown, PA Jacob
Fritz, Kyle P. Allentown, PA Jacob
Thompson, George Camp Hill, PA Jacob
Thompson, Jill Camp Hill, PA Jacob
Charles Branch       8    
David Branch         31    
Henry Branch         4    
Jacob Branch         6    
TOTAL                49